The Shareholder Report (T$R) provides unrivaled independent in-depth research on undiscovered nano & micro-cap stocks that have outstanding odds of being life-changing with the right amount of conviction
Not Paid to Profile Companies

Mission Statement
Identify undiscovered nano & micro-cap stocks & turn them into potential life-changing opportunities

Investment Strategy
- Identify stocks that meet TSR's proven recipe for success
- Invest in undiscovered hidden stock gems that have the right potential future catalysts for life-changing returns
- Focus on nano-cap & micro cap mining stocks
- Conduct extensive due diligence
- Become the most knowledgeable retail shareholder
- Concentration strategy (mimimize diversification)
- Buy right, sit tight
- Accumulate significant positions at bottom prices
- Patience
- Mitigate risk with continuous due diligence

Recipe for Success
Since its inception in 2020, The Shareholder Report has developed a proven recipe for success.
T$R professionally initiates the domino effect on undiscovered hidden stock gems that meet its strict investment criteria.

Extensive Research
Before profiling a company, The Shareholder Report conducts extensive research to find undiscovered hidden stock gems that meet its strict investment criteria.
Since 1 out of ~3000 ore bodies becomes something more than just moose pasture, odds are stacked against investors.
Beating the odds of failure requires extensive research, experience & a proven recipe for success.

The Shareholder Report does the following on each company it profiles:
What T$R Does
- Maintains a dedicated company research page
- Maintains a list of pending & potential catalysts
- Provides all research content required to do own research
- Educates shareholders by sharing research & knowledge
- Reveals the potential using comparisons & interpretation of data
- Writes in-depth articles as developments occur
- Interprets & provides opinion on news releases
- Represents shareholder's best interests
- Addresses concerns & questions of shareholders in content
- Properly & professionally promotes the company on social media
- Introduces the company to strategic investors
- Provides feedback, constructive criticism & recommendations to the company

T$R is Unique
The Shareholder Report is unique due to the following:
- Independent
- Not paid by companies to profile them
- Takes a significant position in the profiled companies
- Has a vested interest in the success of the profiled companies
- Concentrates on only a few hand-picked companies
- Content caters to all levels of knowledge & experience
- Content is easy to understand & is properly explained
- Dedicated, focused & works relentlessly for mission success
- Talks the talk & walks the walk
- Takes an independent full-time active shareholder role to ensure company's success
- One of the most knowledeable retail shareholders of the profiled companies

Other Newsletter Services
The following are typical issues with other stock newsletter services:
- Profile too many companies
- NO significant positions in companies
- NOT independent - sponsored or paid to "like" or profile a company
- NO research content to conduct own research
- NO list of pending & potential catalysts
- Do NOT address the concerns of shareholders in content
- Do NOT introduce companies to strategic investors
- Do NOT take full-time active shareholder roles to ensure company's success
- Do NOT represent the best interests of shareholders
- Do NOT cater to all levels of experience & knowledge
- Do NOT properly reveal the potential of the companies
- Do NOT provide feedback, constructive criticism & recommendations to companies

Target Audience
- Investors that seek potential life-changing returns
- Shareholders of the profiled companies
- Investors interested in the profiled companies
- Investors that demand the best coverage regardless of cost
- Long-term investors
- Patient investors
- Investors that have a high tolerance for risk & price volatility
- Investors that can afford to lose what they've invested
- Investors that want to quickly conduct their research
- Investors that have access to the Canadian (preferably TSX-V & CSE or the US OTC exchanges)
- Investors that have access to a licensed investment advisor in their respective regions

Although The Shareholder Report is always adding new features & content, membership currently includes the following:
- Access to everything on the profiled companies
- Charts & technical analysis on the profiled companies
- Economic data calendar for Canada & USA
- News feeds of the junior mining sector
- Educational content to better understand the junior mining sector

A FREE Subscription that is Better than Expensive Ones
The motto “you get what you paid for” definitely doesn’t apply with The Shareholder Report.
T$R is unique & there is nothing else that compares to it in the industry!

D4, the nickname he’s known as, has been heavily invested in the junior mining sector since 1997. Over the years, he has acquired extensive knowledge & investment experience in the speculative mining sector which allows him to identify stocks that are very likely to provide life-changing returns well before the market does.
After about 33 years of dedicated military service, D4 was medically released from the military in 2024.
About D4

About T$R
The Shareholder Report was created in 2020 after D4, founder of T$R, was unable to work due to prolonged illness.
T$R has given D4 a new purpose in life & it has literally been a life saver when battling periods of suicidal thoughts during the course of his chronic illness.
Although he experiences issues of chronic illnesses, D4’s unwavering passion about investing keeps him dedicated to the success of T$R’s mission.